Sunday, May 25, 2008

izham ( entry ini telah di edit semula, gambar telah di delete. reason? safety mode. hee.)

besides my currently dizzy feelings ( mish my garfel..)

sayer rase sngt bersalah pade seseorang.

my oldies. weve crushed each other dolu la.. young ages (2001-2005).. ekceli.. hampir menjadik.. tapi mase dulu mcm jual mhl la coz tanak la kapel ngan budak satu sekolah kan? walopun die bdk baru that tyme. after he and his family moved n pursuing his study at Kl n im busy with lie n study. i olwiz ignoring him. olwiz. padehal we are a good good good frens. die x penah lupe tuk contact sayer. hmmm. feel guilty.

;( sampai sekarang pun sumtymes i olwiz ignoring him. semalam die col 14 kali sayer tak angkat.( sampai die msg yg bukan2) dun noe why i did it. marah die ker? yup. marah sumtymes. nape? only he knows. kalo die balik tepeng.. he asked me out.. happy tapi.. eww.. susah la nk ckp...

rase2 nye my oldies like efa.. eja.. shah will understand why.

to the person above. if u read tis.
sorry coz ignoring u.
thanks for the memories. ( sangat manis)
ur jom pi kedah t shirt, the stairs. a birthday present n letters. a plan to bring me fly to new zealand. hoho. MRSM taiping. ur bicycle. my scooter. the pencil n so many event.
cant hardly forget.
wish u all the best n happy owez.

love is something on the air?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

it has been a while.
busy amat busy with keje2 umah. maid from manhattan. ala2 gtu lar.. heeh. sampai tade mase nk melayan layan diri. aduhh. sampai pembantu umah macik ku berani berkater mase aku gi umah macik ku...

" ka.. gue pusin banget ka.. kamu bantuin aku ya? ngasiin itik n ayam makan... "
huh? see.. ayam n itik pun die suh aku bagi mkn. ape kah perangai pembantu rumah jename ini?

bnyk events menarik yg x sempat nk di share bersame2.

happy belated birthday mak.

happy teachers day guru2 semalaysia. i sing guru malaysia songs that day. wahhh.

happy belated birthday efa. n selamat bertunang shema. im so busy that day. huishh! tanak bertunang bleh? neves beb!

stop being weird n merimaskan. will mish my gafel badly. he said " love is something on the air" okeh. sayer faham suda. ader jodoh x ke mane. sayer tau sayer pelik n semacam. but dun argue with my feelings. ahhhh. marah gler! ;(...;(

mak ilham masuk hospital n daus dtg taiping. curik mase nak gi melawat mak dier... sabar eh ilham.. everythings will be fine. insyaAllah.

ani col sambil nanges said that ayah die masuk sepital.. hurmm.. sorry coz x jd gi johor. my heart mcm x hepi nak ke sane.. sabar eh ani. insyaAllah.. ayah ko mesti baik... amin..

lately ramai kwn2 lame mase sekolah rendah n menengah contact sayer balik.
" hye.. leh kenal.. xingat ke nie kwn sek rendah nie.."
ewwww! sebab ang kwn sek rendah aku la yg naik bulu tengkuk tau. haha.

ok ah. mak suh masak plak. haishh... jap mak.


Sunday, May 4, 2008


hati terase sedih.

fifito da pulang ke Melaka. (bus durian burung. double decker wane kuning atau merah. plat K** 2000 atau K**4000. jam 8.3o mlm ini. sile baling batu kat cermin bus kalo ternampak kat atas hyway.)

loloh ko! balik awal. padehal exam x pas lagik. ngok. ingat sket beb! ko nyer exam 14 May baru abes. ko nak sedapkan ati ko. ko balik la dulu kan? kan? ko cter kat orang len yg ko dabes exam kan? kebenarannyer? sudah lah to.. ko yg taleh terime hakikat aku balik dulu dari ko kan? chett.

bensi ahh gini.. tinggal aku.. leks la.. aku lusa nk balik.. ko nie....;( saper nak teman kan aku mkn..... saper to...

asmaliza fifie!
bensi ko!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

just one more paper to finish ol the pain of mine.

the killers lecturer. you-know-who
killers question. known well

Psikologi sosial.

oh Tuhan. selamatkan la aku dari C D n F.
prof.. prof baik kan? kan? kan?

huk huk.
neway. last paper 5hb. time of examination. 8.30-11.00pm. malam n sejuk nyer dewan. apekah situasi krem jari akan berulang? tak usah lah eh?

pulang ke Taiping Terchenta. berfoya2? oh tidak. ayah will said. " akak, duk umah tengok adik. adik ang 3 orang nak peksa besaq." i know it oledi.

hopefully leh gi selatan cuti neh. wink. wink. wink.!
cuti x lame pastu kene wat ROS plak. adui.
pastu result kuar.
pastu tensi tensi.
pastu rindu rindu
pastu cuti tade duit
pastu nak keje ayah x bagi
pastu pastu 3.



Thursday, May 1, 2008

sayer skarang kan ngah study tau kat bilik JPMK kolej.. heheh. msg2 ngn buku sambil ber konferens kat ym ngan kwn2 sependidikan.

just nak gtau. ader kwn sayer nie kan. die kan.. sangat la feelings lebay.. mase org ngah stdy.. stdy n stdy.. die nanges..

nape ko nanges ni jar?

" aku bace novel td.. novel tue seday.. aku taleh stdy la kin.."
(sambil air mate die berderai2 jatuh.. apekah? hoho. sian tau dier..)

sambil ramai2 kitorang nie gelakkan die.. die pandang jer laptopnyer sambil nanges n dgr lagu Hanya Kau Yang Mampu Aizat Af5. hoho.

lawak la dierrr..
u made my nite .
sayang ko ajar.!

bler sesuatu signifikan dgn idup kter. lagi la tersekat bukan?
tegar jar! kami sume sayang ko...;( sbb ko org kota tinggi.. lagiii laa aku syg. wink wink..!